To celebrate the success of the previous STaPs conferences, the call for abstracts for STaPs-22 is open now. We welcome abstracts of any area of linguistics: applied, theoretical and descriptive linguistics as well as language acquisition, phonetics, psycho-, neuro-, sociolinguistics, pragmatics and computational linguistics and language education. We also welcome both work in progress and work in the planning phase, as well as work that focuses on methodological issues/challenges from PhD students.
–Call for Abstracts for Oral Presentations (15 min. + 10 min. Q&A) and Posters (30 min.)
-Call for Abstracts for Workshops (45 min.)
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Computational modelling in Python
- Eye tracking
- Statistics with R/SPSS
- Fine-Tuning Small Models on Google Colab (presenter: Péter Hatvani)
- Self & time management during PhD (presenter: Nguyen B. Ngoc Jade)
- Zotero
-Call for abstracts for Panel Discussions (60 min.)
Panels should consist of at least 3 participants. Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Al and Academia
- Al and Research Ethics
- Awareness to Open Science
- Publishing
-Call for Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Organizers
We are pleased to announce the addition of a new section Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Here is the list of SIGs for STaPs 2025. We are open to your suggestions.
SIG 1: Experimental Pragmatics
SIG 2: Multilingualism and Language Variation
SIG 3: Language Planning and Processing
Abstract submission guidlines
Deadline Extended until the 15th of March 2025 —Please send your abstracts directly to the email of the conference.
We welcome 300 word abstract submissions in .docx or doc to our email address (please see below). Please include in the body of your email the following information: title, name(s) of author(s), affiliation, research area and presentation category (talk, poster, workshop, panel discussion or SIG).
Conference languages: English and German
All presenters will be invited to submit their papers for a volume of selected contributions.
Venue: Online,——
Date: STaPs-22 has been postponed to 24-26 of April 2025
Contact: Please do not hesitate to contact us at, should you have any questions.